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Rune Headquarters : Combat Level Calculator, Your Unfair RuneScape Advantage
RuneHQ > Calculators > Combat Level
RuneHQ Time: Friday May 15, 2009, 10:58 am CDT Server:
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Combat Level

If anything is incorrect/missing from this Calculator or you have new information to submit about this guide, please use this link: Submit record # 0671 - Combat Level updates/feedback

What does this calculator do?

This particular calculator is the Combat Level Calculator. It is used for finding what your combat level will be when you have certain statistics. Credit for this formula goes to Maxwaterman, Fern1970, Helcaterian, Hans980, Benmarchant and Oblivion590.

How do I work the calculator?

If you are RANKED ON THE HIGHSCORES, then all you have to do is type your username in the box on the calculator, click the "Retrieve EXP" button, and the calculator will get your experience for you. It will also automatically set your goal level to the next levelup.
If you are not ranked on the highscores, usually when your level is under 30, you must type your exact experience into the field given on the calculator. You can find your total experience by hovering your mouse cursor over the statistic when logged into RuneScape.
Most calculators, such as Fishing and Fletching, contain too many items to fit on the screen at once. For these calculators, you will have to use the buttons found in the TOP RIGHT of the calculator to change pages. Please do not report bugs that you cannot see Lobster or that you only got half the experience for fletching bows, as all you have to do is go to the right page on the calculator.
In all skill calculators, there is a color coding scheme to show when you can or cannot perform a certain action. Items in Red cannot be done by anyone at the current level entered. Items in Yellow are members-only parts of a skill available to nonmembers. Items in Green can be done by anyone at your level. Please note that this does not ever mean nonmembers can perform members actions!
In most calculators, you may also enter an EXACT experience goal by clicking the button in the top middle of the calculator. Please note that this is not possible in "special calculators," such as Energy Restoration or Combat Level. If there are any errors or issues with these calculators, please use the submission form at the top of this page.

If anything is incorrect/missing from this Calculator or you have new information to submit about this guide, please use this link: Submit record # 0671 - Combat Level updates/feedback

This Calculator was written by Oblivion590. Thanks to Helcaterian, Maxwaterman, Fern1970, Hans980, and Benmarchant for corrections.
This Calculator was entered into the database on Fri, Feb 17, 2006, at 10:39:43 PM by MrStormy, and it was last updated on Wed, Apr 08, 2009, at 06:38:59 AM by MrStormy.

If you see this guide on any other site, please report it to us so we can take legal action against anyone found stealing our content. This guide is copyrighted by RuneHQ, and its use on other sites is expressly forbidden. Do not ask if you can use our guides or images, the answer is and always will be NO!

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